@daisyaking is an associate creative director based in London, working in ad land, music, tv + film. She creates ideas & #content for {clients} that get people {+ press} talking. She's been recognised for a few awards + also makes a pretty decent lid, as she's also a milliner. Get in touch, she loves to chat.

Tesco x Stonewall – Two of the Same

"The best thing you never had" - Beyoncé

Sectors: AdvertisingYear: 2018

Tesco wanted to celebrate Pride like all brands do come June in the UK.

Instead of just jumping on the lip-service bandwagon like every other company – we wanted to make a difference and raise some money, do a little good in the world.

So, we came up with Two of The Same. If you bought two bananas, two Mr Muscles, two Betty Crockers, two cucumbers – the money for the second would go directly to Stonewall.

Along with a provocative poster series of phallic fruits in pairs, and lines like “double the pride, half the price”

We took it to Tesco headquarters… and they loathed it, I believe the words were “it’s too risky, we’re Tesco!” like it was the mild mild west.

The campaign never ran, it was replaced by an internal campaign on ‘multicoloured fruit’ instead (boo).

Coincidentally – around the same time I was never invited to work on Tesco again – for which I was eternally grateful.

  • Concept
  • Creative
  • OOH
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